Nintendo Europe cracking down on DS piracy

Nintendo has hired the boss of Warner Brothers anti-piracy group in order to crack down on piracy In a move to stamp out the sale of flash cards on the streets of Europe, Nintendo has hired the ex boss of Warner Brother’s anti-piracy group Neil...


Nintendo has hired the boss of Warner Brothers anti-piracy group in order to crack down on piracy

In a move to stamp out the sale of flash cards on the streets of Europe, Nintendo has hired the ex boss of Warner Brother’s anti-piracy group Neil Boyd. Nintendo will be putting more pressure on retailers who continue to sell flash cards in store and those that defy cease and desist orders risk getting in deep doo-doo with Nintendo. Boyd says that retailers should watch out as they have more eyes and ears on the street looking for retailers selling flash cards. They’ll be sending cease and desist orders to retailers who continue to see, there goes out the image in our head of Nintendo sending an army of Goomba’s in. Oh well.

Are cease and desist orders enough? Should Nintendo go after the source of these flash cards first? Let us know below.

Source: MCV

Daniel Vuckovic

The Owner and Creator of this fair website. I also do news, reviews, programming, art and social media here. It is named after me after all. Please understand.

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Daniel Vuckovic