Nintendo Download Updates: X marks the spot

Big week of new and old. Discounts aplenty.


Here we are again, another eShop update! The main draw this week for most was probably Mega Man X on the Wii U, or Harvest Moon on the 3DS. But BAM, 50% off Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate on both Wii U and 3DS! A nice little surprise this week for all of you.

We also have quite a few sales on both eShops, with some great games to snag for cheap. Chasing Aurora is a neat little multiplayer game for the Wii U you should try out, and Mutant Mudds is quite the fan favourite too!

So what are you guys grabbing this week? About time for some Monster Hunter over the weekend? Let us know in the comments below!

Wii U Retail Titles

Game Party Champions (Warner Bros.) AUD$ 49.95

  Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (CAPCOM, AUD$ 39.95 until 22nd September, normally AUD$ 79.95)

 Chasing Aurora (Broken Rules, AUD$ 5.59 until 3rd October, normally AUD$ 7.99)


  Kung Fu Rabbit (Neko Entertainment, AUD$ 3.25 until 3rd October, normally AUD$ 6.50)

Wii U Virtual Console

  Mega Man X (Capcom. Super NES) $10.40

3DS Original  Software


Star Wars Pinball (Zen Studios, AUD$ 10.50)
AiRace Speed (QubicGames, AUD$ 6.49)

3DS Retail

Harvest Moon: A New Beginning (Zen United, AUD$ 49.95)

  Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (CAPCOM, AUD$ 34.95 until 22nd September, normally AUD$ 69.95)

3DS Temporary Discounts

Mutant Mudds (Renegade Kid, AUD$ 9 until 3rd October, normally AUD$ 13.50)

Daniel Vuckovic

The Owner and Creator of this fair website. I also do news, reviews, programming, art and social media here. It is named after me after all. Please understand.

Published by
Daniel Vuckovic