
Nintendo Download Updates (Week 2) Rapidly Clashing

Slowly slowly.


Every week I’ve got come up with something to put here, aside from recommending or pointing out significant deals. This week I’ll just get straight into it, because we’ve all got bigger things to worry about. Like getting deported.

New releases: The all caps SNK VS. CAPCOM: CARD FIGHTERS’ CLASH was a surprise release this week, it’s worth a look into for sure, there’s Nova-111 which was released earlier in the week which as well looks like a lot of fun.

New sales: With almost everything been on sale the past month, there’s not a lot to look at, you could play in the Australian Open at 60% off with AO Tennis 2. BINGO for Nintendo Switch isn’t just for your grandma either.

Aery – Dreamscape$14.99
AirRevo $5.99
Arcade Archives GUNNAIL$10.50
Demoniaca: Everlasting Night $18.00
Duel Princess$31.50
dweeMIXED: Thwee Pack$22.94
Eternal Radiance$21.67
Headland $30.00
hocus 2$7.50
Pixel Game Maker Series GAME BATTLE TYCOON$19.35
Radirgy Swag$24.90
Sniper Time: The Shooting Range$5.89
Space Stella: The Unknown Planet$22.99
Sudoku Zenkai$7.50
Teamfight Manager $12.30
To Be Or Not To Be$11.99
Turbo ShotFree
Unlock the cat $4.50

✚ .cat (GAME NACIONAL) – $1.50 (Usually $12.00, ends 12/02) – 88% off
✚ 890B (eastasiasoft) – $5.24 (Usually $7.49, ends 02/02) – 30% off
✚ A Night at the Races ( – $1.50 (Usually $14.99, ends 13/02) – 90% off
✚ AO Tennis 2 (Nacon) – $35.98 (Usually $89.95, ends 26/01) – 60% off
✚ Animal Hunter Z (STARSIGN) – $7.50 (Usually $15.00, ends 09/02) – 50% off
✚ Another Sight (Nacon) – $24.00 (Usually $60.00, ends 26/01) – 60% off
✚ Archaica: The Path Of Light (Drageus Games) – $2.97 (Usually $22.50, ends 13/02) – 87% off
✚ BINGO for Nintendo Switch (STARSIGN) – $3.75 (Usually $7.50, ends 09/02) – 50% off
✚ Balance Blox (EntwicklerX) – $2.25 (Usually $4.50, ends 23/01) – 50% off
✚ Bee Simulator (Nacon) – $18.00 (Usually $60.00, ends 26/01) – 70% off
✚ Bishoujo Battle Mahjong Solitaire (eastasiasoft) – $6.29 (Usually $8.99, ends 02/02) – 30% off
✚ Brawl Chess (RedDeerGames) – $2.70 (Usually $15.00, ends 20/01) – 82% off
✚ Bridge Builder Adventure (BoomBit Games) – $4.50 (Usually $22.50, ends 13/02) – 80% off
✚ Bubble Shooter DX (EntwicklerX) – $2.25 (Usually $4.50, ends 23/01) – 50% off
✚ Build a Bridge! (BoomBit Games) – $4.50 (Usually $22.50, ends 13/02) – 80% off
✚ Bunny Adventure (11Sheep) – $2.25 (Usually $7.50, ends 27/01) – 70% off
✚ Car Mechanic Simulator (ECC GAMES) – $2.49 (Usually $24.99, ends 12/02) – 90% off
✚ Castle on the Coast () – $18.00 (Usually $22.50, ends 06/02) – 20% off
✚ Caterpillar Royale (STARSIGN) – $3.75 (Usually $7.50, ends 09/02) – 50% off
✚ Chess Gambit (D-Lo Games) – $5.71 (Usually $9.99, ends 09/02) – 43% off
✚ City Traffic Driver (Pixelmob) – $11.70 (Usually $18.00, ends 10/02) – 35% off
✚ Collide-a-Ball 2 (Starsign, Inc.) – $3.75 (Usually $7.50, ends 09/02) – 50% off
✚ Cosmic Top Secret ( – $1.50 (Usually $15.00, ends 13/02) – 90% off
✚ Crazy Gravity (eastasiasoft) – $5.24 (Usually $7.49, ends 02/02) – 30% off
✚ DRIVE DRIFT X (SAT-BOX) – $7.37 (Usually $11.00, ends 05/02) – 33% off
✚ DayD: Through Time (8Floor Games) – $3.96 (Usually $13.20, ends 27/01) – 70% off
✚ Dead Dungeon (Drageus Games) – $1.50 (Usually $7.50, ends 13/02) – 80% off
✚ Deep Diving Adventures (Jujubee) – $5.99 (Usually $29.99, ends 27/01) – 80% off
✚ Demon’s Rise – Lords of Chaos (Silesia Games) – $4.40 (Usually $12.00, ends 23/01) – 63% off
✚ Dimension Drive (2Aswesome Studio) – $3.06 (Usually $19.99, ends 24/01) – 85% off
✚ Dragon Pinball (EnjoyUp Games) – $1.53 (Usually $4.50, ends 07/02) – 66% off
✚ Drawngeon: Dungeons of Ink and Paper (Drageus Games) – $1.50 (Usually $7.50, ends 13/02) – 80% off
✚ Dungeon Shooting (STARSIGN) – $3.75 (Usually $7.50, ends 09/02) – 50% off
✚ Dynamite Fishing – World Games (HandyGames) – $2.99 (Usually $14.99, ends 27/01) – 80% off
✚ EQQO ( – $1.50 (Usually $9.00, ends 13/02) – 83% off
✚ Edna & Harvey: The Breakout – Anniversary Edition (Daedalic Entertainment) – $2.99 (Usually $29.99, ends 01/02) – 90% off
✚ Eternal Radiance (Visualnoveler) – $21.67 (Usually $25.50, ends 27/01) – 15% off
✚ Freecell Solitaire Deluxe (Baltoro Games Sp.z o.o.) – $1.50 (Usually $13.50, ends 12/02) – 89% off
✚ Funny Bunny Adventures (Drageus Games) – $1.50 (Usually $7.50, ends 13/02) – 80% off
✚ GLO (eastasiasoft) – $5.24 (Usually $7.49, ends 02/02) – 30% off
✚ Grood (Drageus Games) – $1.50 (Usually $7.50, ends 13/02) – 80% off
✚ Hammer Kid (Asylum Square Interactive) – $3.00 (Usually $15.00, ends 30/01) – 80% off
✚ Heart Chain Kitty (Origamihero Games) – $3.87 (Usually $12.90, ends 25/01) – 70% off
✚ Hextones (Silesia Games) – $3.29 (Usually $4.49, ends 25/01) – 27% off
✚ Highrise Heroes: Word Challenge (Fallen Tree Games) – $2.49 (Usually $9.99, ends 31/01) – 75% off
✚ Horror Pinball Bundle (Super PowerUp Games S.L.) – $3.37 (Usually $13.50, ends 07/02) – 75% off
✚ Hunting Simulator 2 (Nacon) – $30.00 (Usually $75.00, ends 26/01) – 60% off
✚ Hyper Sentinel (Huey Games) – $1.65 (Usually $9.99, ends 20/01) – 83% off
✚ Infini ( – $1.50 (Usually $18.00, ends 13/02) – 92% off
✚ Instant Farmer (Silesia Games) – $3.00 (Usually $4.49, ends 23/01) – 33% off
✚ JDM Racing (Nikita Alexeevich) – $5.25 (Usually $7.50, ends 12/02) – 30% off
✚ Journey of the Broken Circle ( – $1.50 (Usually $13.00, ends 13/02) – 88% off
✚ Jurassic Pinball (EnjoyUp Games) – $1.53 (Usually $4.50, ends 07/02) – 66% off
✚ KUUKIYOMI: Consider It! (G-MODE) – $4.95 (Usually $6.60, ends 08/02) – 25% off
✚ Lost Horizon (Koch Media) – $2.98 (Usually $22.50, ends 20/01) – 87% off
✚ Lost Horizon 2 (Koch Media) – $2.98 (Usually $22.50, ends 20/01) – 87% off
✚ Lotus Bloom (Silesia Games) – $3.29 (Usually $4.49, ends 26/01) – 27% off
✚ Lucid Cycle (eastasiasoft) – $7.34 (Usually $10.49, ends 02/02) – 30% off
✚ Lydia ( – $1.50 (Usually $6.00, ends 13/02) – 75% off
✚ M.A.C.E. Space Shooter (EntwicklerX) – $3.00 (Usually $7.50, ends 23/01) – 60% off
✚ MAGLAM LORD (PQube) – $54.00 (Usually $60.00, ends 04/02) – 10% off
✚ Marble Power Blast (EntwicklerX) – $2.25 (Usually $4.50, ends 23/01) – 50% off
✚ Monster Truck Arena (Pixelmob) – $9.00 (Usually $18.00, ends 10/02) – 50% off
✚ Monster Truck Championship (Nacon) – $24.00 (Usually $60.00, ends 26/01) – 60% off
✚ Mythic Ocean ( – $11.49 (Usually $22.99, ends 31/01) – 50% off
✚ Neurodeck (Forever Entertainment) – $8.79 (Usually $17.59, ends 09/02) – 50% off
✚ Nova-111 (No Gravity Games) – $12.75 (Usually $15.00, ends 12/02) – 15% off
✚ Old Man’s Journey (Broken Rules) – $7.49 (Usually $14.99, ends 12/02) – 50% off
✚ Parking Madness (11Sheep) – $2.25 (Usually $7.50, ends 27/01) – 70% off
✚ Perry Pig Jump (EntwicklerX) – $2.25 (Usually $4.50, ends 23/01) – 50% off
✚ Pile Up! Box by Box (HandyGames) – $15.75 (Usually $22.50, ends 27/01) – 30% off
✚ Ping Pong Trick Shot EVOLUTION (STARSIGN) – $3.75 (Usually $7.50, ends 09/02) – 50% off
✚ Pixel Gladiator (Drageus Games) – $1.50 (Usually $10.50, ends 13/02) – 86% off
✚ Pixel Puzzle Makeout League (Skymap Games) – $9.99 (Usually $19.99, ends 24/01) – 50% off
✚ Poker Pretty Girls Battle: Texas Hold’em (eastasiasoft) – $6.29 (Usually $8.99, ends 02/02) – 30% off
✚ Pretty Girls Mahjong Solitaire (eastasiasoft) – $5.24 (Usually $7.49, ends 02/02) – 30% off
✚ Pretty Girls Panic! PLUS (eastasiasoft) – $6.29 (Usually $8.99, ends 02/02) – 30% off
✚ Quell Zen (Fallen Tree Games) – $2.74 (Usually $10.99, ends 31/01) – 75% off
✚ Rift Racoon (eastasiasoft) – $2.24 (Usually $7.49, ends 02/02) – 70% off
✚ Rise: Race The Future (vd-dev) – $14.99 (Usually $27.00, ends 31/01) – 44% off
✚ Secret Files 2: Puritas Cordis (Koch Media GmbH) – $2.98 (Usually $22.50, ends 20/01) – 87% off
✚ Secret Files 3 (Koch Media) – $2.98 (Usually $22.50, ends 20/01) – 87% off
✚ Secret Files Sam Peters (Koch Media GmbH) – $2.98 (Usually $10.50, ends 20/01) – 72% off
✚ Secret Files: Tunguska (Koch Media) – $2.98 (Usually $22.50, ends 20/01) – 87% off
✚ Silk (Huey Games) – $1.50 (Usually $14.99, ends 20/01) – 90% off
✚ Soul Searching ( – $1.50 (Usually $14.99, ends 13/02) – 90% off
✚ Spencer (EntwicklerX) – $4.20 (Usually $10.50, ends 23/01) – 60% off
✚ Starlight Alliance (Origamihero Games ) – $3.96 (Usually $13.20, ends 25/01) – 70% off
✚ Stilstand ( ) – $1.50 (Usually $4.50, ends 13/02) – 67% off
✚ Stitchy in Tooki Trouble (Forever Entertainment) – $4.87 (Usually $19.50, ends 09/02) – 75% off
✚ Super Crush KO (Vertex Pop Inc.) – $5.70 (Usually $22.99, ends 20/01) – 75% off
✚ Super Ping Pong Trick Shot (STARSIGN) – $3.75 (Usually $7.50, ends 09/02) – 50% off
✚ Super Star Blast (EntwicklerX) – $3.00 (Usually $7.50, ends 23/01) – 60% off
✚ Swamp Defense 2 (EntwicklerX) – $2.25 (Usually $4.50, ends 23/01) – 50% off
✚ Swapperoo (Fallen Tree Games) – $2.49 (Usually $9.99, ends 31/01) – 75% off
✚ Swaps and Traps (DRAGEUS GAMES SPÓŁKA AKCYJNA) – $1.49 (Usually $13.50, ends 13/02) – 89% off
✚ TT Isle of Man Ride on the Edge 2 (Nacon) – $27.00 (Usually $90.00, ends 26/01) – 70% off
✚ Tardy (Drageus Games) – $1.49 (Usually $14.99, ends 13/02) – 90% off
✚ Tennis World Tour (Nacon) – $23.08 (Usually $76.95, ends 26/01) – 70% off
✚ The Adventures of Elena Temple (GRIMTALIN) – $1.59 (Usually $3.19, ends 09/02) – 50% off
✚ The Company Man (Leoful) – $27.00 (Usually $30.00, ends 30/01) – 10% off
✚ The Mystery of Woolley Mountain (Huey Games) – $1.50 (Usually $15.99, ends 20/01) – 91% off
✚ The Office Quest (11Sheep) – $5.39 (Usually $17.99, ends 27/01) – 70% off
✚ Thief Town (Skymap Games) – $5.62 (Usually $11.25, ends 24/01) – 50% off
✚ Titans Pinball (Super PowerUp Games S.L.) – $1.53 (Usually $4.50, ends 07/02) – 66% off
✚ Torn Tales: Rebound Edition (Silesia Games) – $3.80 (Usually $12.00, ends 23/01) – 68% off
✚ Touchdown Pinball (SuperPowerUpGames) – $1.53 (Usually $4.50, ends 07/02) – 66% off
✚ Tower Climb (11Sheep LTD) – $2.25 (Usually $7.50, ends 27/01) – 70% off
✚ Trancelation (Baltoro Games) – $1.50 (Usually $15.00, ends 12/02) – 90% off
✚ Up Cliff Drive (11Sheep) – $2.25 (Usually $7.50, ends 27/01) – 70% off
✚ Venus: Improbable Dream (eastasiasoft) – $10.49 (Usually $14.99, ends 02/02) – 30% off
✚ Viviette (DYA GAMES) – $7.49 (Usually $14.99, ends 10/02) – 50% off
✚ WRC 9 FIA World Rally Championship (Nacon) – $30.00 (Usually $75.00, ends 26/01) – 60% off
✚ World Soccer Pinball (EnjoyUp Games) – $1.53 (Usually $4.50, ends 07/02) – 66% off

Daniel Vuckovic

The Owner and Creator of this fair website. I also do news, reviews, programming, art and social media here. It is named after me after all. Please understand.

Published by
Daniel Vuckovic