Nintendo Download Updates: Splash and Burn

This week is easy on the wallet.


After the explosion of content last week this weeks updates are rather a bit more subdued.

However if you’re a Wii owner you’ll be happy to know there’s something new for you. It may be the last WiiWare title we see!

3DS eShop

Something old and something new this week on the 3DS. First up the interesting title that is Splash or Crash. It sees you dropping a variety of items down a never ending well to see far you can go. Donuts, spikes and cannons will attempt to stop you however. For the price it’ll be one for the impulse buyers.

Last but not least is the Gameboy Version of Pac-Man, I’m not sure how the port is but if its like most arcade games on the Gameboy… might be worth to avoid this one.
[eShop Game] Splash or Crash – $3.90
[Virtual Console] PAC-MAN – $6.50

Wii U eShop

Yup… expensive.

[Wii U Retail] Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two – $79.95


Possibly the last WiiWare game you’ll every possibly want to buy, or be able to buy.

[WiiWare] Reel Fishing Ocean Challenge – 500 Points



Daniel Vuckovic

The Owner and Creator of this fair website. I also do news, reviews, programming, art and social media here. It is named after me after all. Please understand.

Published by
Daniel Vuckovic