It’s here, Hoenn confirmed! And strangely enough, it’s a Friday release, so no waiting until Friday midnight to download, it’s all up and ready to go right now! Go go go!
However, if Pokemon isn’t your jam, the Wii U is getting Watch_Dogs this week, along with a couple DLC packs. Yeah, that’s right, DLC for Watch_Dogs! Who saw that one coming…
We also have a fair few themes for the 3DS this week, we’re really building up a collection, aren’t we? Maybe there’s something that will match a cover plate on your New 3DS this week?
So what’s your pick this week? Let us know in the comments!
Pokémon: ONEMURI Pikachu (Nintendo, $2.60)
Pokémon: Primal Groudon/Primal Kyogre (Nintendo, $2.60)
Sonic Boom Theme (Nintendo, free)
Super Mario: Pastel Pink (Nintendo, $2.60)
Super Mario: Neon Green (Nintendo, $2.60)
Super Mario: Blue (Nintendo, $2.60)
Collector's Edition rides on for Switch as well