Nintendo Download Updates (1/8) Cloudberry Harvest

Create your own adventure this weekend.


Another week, another load of games to try, buy, and even maybe like! The Wii U is getting two games, and a discount on Nano Assault Neo. Cloudberry Kingdom is a platformer, known for it’s randomly generated levels, which can get very hard, very quickly. Finally the second wave of original indie games is upon us on Wii U! Rounding up the update is a SNES classic, Harvest Moon.

The 3DS, however… not as much. We have a few sales, but nothing actually new. New Art Academy has 50% off all lessons, but the game itself is still full price. A few sales on 2 Shin’en games too, and that’s everything.

So, what are you grabbing this week? Or are you just holding out for next week? Let us know in the comments!

Wii U Retail Download

Cloudberry Kingdom (Ubisoft) AUD$ 15.95

Wii U Virtual Console

Harvest Moon (MarvelousAQL) AUD$ 10.40


Wii U Software Sale

Nano Assault Neo (Shin’en Multimedia) AUD$ 9.10 (was AUD$ 13)

3DS eShop Software Sale

Art of Balance TOUCH! AUD$ 7.35 (30% off)
Fun! Fun! Minigolf TOUCH! AUD$ 5.25 (30% off)
New Art Academy – 50% off all Add-On Lessons until 11/8


Long time Nintendo fan, addicted to Mario Kart.

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