Only four games this week, and Dark Void Zero isnt one of them Another poor week this week with just four titles, but at least one of them stands out. Were of course talking about Max and the Magic Marker. For 1000 points you get a competent platforme...
Another poor week this week with just four titles, but at least one of them stands out. Were of course talking about Max and the Magic Marker. For 1000 points you get a competent platformer with cool drawing elements in it. But its not just like Drawn to Life where you can draw a predetermined shape or man, this is purely about your imagination; you can not only draw bridges and shelters but also cool things like see-saws to launch items and boulders (also drawn) in the air. Max and the Magic Marker is 1000 Wii Points. The only other WiiWare title this week is Fast Draw Showndown, a port of the 90s arcade game, which features live action actors in it. Its 500 points so dont expect too much, but maybe its worth picking up for some cheesy arcade action.
Turning to DSiWare, there are two more Elektroplankton titles out this week. This time its of the Nanocarp and Trapy variety. Nanocarp works based on the microphone and D-pad; different noises you make like clapping, coughing or just talking make the Plankton react in different ways. You can also put the plankton into different formations for different sounds. The other plankton this week is Trapy and is more simple thn its Nanocarp brother. Trapy sees you drawing lines for your Plankton to swim on and the angle and direction will illicit a different tone. Both and all Elektroplanton titles are 200 points each.
Virtual Console sees absolutely zip, nada, nilch released. Like usual.
So Nintendo/Capcom, where is Dark Void Zero?
-Fast Draw Showdown (Digital Leisure, 500 points)
-Max and the Magic Marker (Press Play, 1000 points)
-Electroplankton Nanocarp (Nintendo, 200 points)
-Electroplankton Trapy (Nintendo, 200 points)
Collector's Edition rides on for Switch as well
To be called Rockstar Australia.