Nintendo Download Update: Just Sonic

Wow what a week.


Think that’s some witty joke of a headline, you know like the ones I usually do? Nope that’s the truth this week there is one lone game for Australians and it’s just as bad as the ones we missed. So instead of three bad games, we’re just getting one. See, what a positive!

Sonic Blast (Game Gear, SEGA, $7.50 AU)

There are some good Sonic games on the Game Gear. This isn’t one of them. The game didn’t look good back in the 90s and it doesn’t look or play any better now. Seriously, save your money for the coming weeks.

So what’s coming soon then? Well next week there is Mutant Mudds, that’s 100% confirmed. You know what else was just classified for release?

Cave Story.

We’re not even kidding.

Daniel Vuckovic

The Owner and Creator of this fair website. I also do news, reviews, programming, art and social media here. It is named after me after all. Please understand.

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Daniel Vuckovic

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