Nintendo Download Update Beavers, Brains and Turvy Drops

Weird assortment of games this week, but no Virtual Console, retro fans A weird week is upon us, no it’s not the lack of Virtual Console games. That’s pretty much the norm now but it’s that all the games are under at least 600 Poin...


Weird assortment of games this week, but no Virtual Console, retro fans

A weird week is upon us, no it’s not the lack of Virtual Console games. That’s pretty much the norm now but it’s that all the games are under at least 600 Points. Oh, and we ended up with only 5 games instead of 6, yeah thats not too bad. No, the weird thing is the games on offer. Why? Because, well, read on.


Robocalypse – Beaver Defense
(600 Wii Points) – everyone loves tower defence games, so why wouldn’t you like one with robots and beavers in it too? No, not those kind. The game mixes it up too with units that can move around the battlefield and not just, well, be towers. It’s got a silly name but it’s actually not a bad little game and for 600 Points it’s a good choice.


A Topsy Turvy Life: Turvy Drops (200 Points) – alright, picture Tetris. Now turn your DSi upside down. Now instead of the blocks just appearing and falling you have to draw them in. That’s A Topsy Turvy Life, and for 200 Points it’s a good distraction.

Music On: Electronic Keyboard (200 Points) – put the old school electronic keyboard on your DSi, and now you can recreate the scene from Revenge of the Nerds, and be even nerdier.

There is also a new Flips interactive book title out and that’s Flips: The Folk Of The Faraway Tree for 500 Points. Also, if needed, another Sudoku game is up in the form of Crazy Sudoku for 200 Points. That now totals 231 Sudoku games available on DSiWare.

No kidding.

Daniel Vuckovic

The Owner and Creator of this fair website. I also do news, reviews, programming, art and social media here. It is named after me after all. Please understand.

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Daniel Vuckovic

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