Wii U Virtual Console is here, along with Panorama View.
The Wii U got a major system update yesterday, and as you might remember from the most recent Nintendo Direct broadcast, we were going to be getting proper Virtual Console very soon after this update. Turns out it’s today!
You might also remember from earlier Directs that if you already own a game on Virtual Console from the Wii, you will still need to pay to get Wii U versions of these games, however you’ll only need to pay an upgrade fee, rather than the full price you’d have to pay otherwise. The upgrade fee for a NES game is $1.50 and a SNES game is $1.95. And hey, you can still play the games in Wii mode if you don’t feel the extra upgraded features are worthwhile, so no pressure.
One bonus for some games is that the Wii U versions of these games will be the US 60Hz editions. This is important, as some games were not handled well in being converted to Australia’s PAL TV format, and suffered slower gameplay and music as a result.
Also in this update, the Wii U will get access to a Panorama View application which will allow you to use the Wii U GamePad to experience exciting international destinations from the comfort of your couch.
So without further ado, here’s the list of games to look forward to:
Do you think you’ll be buying any of these? Or if you’ve already bought them previously, are the upgrade features enough to entice you? Let us now in the comments or the forums!
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