Nintendo Download Update (19/12) – Moustaches in Disguise
It’s that time again, where we’ve taken the time to find out what on the eShop so you don’t have to! A bit of a quiet week this week, though…
The Wii U is sleepiest, with Transformers Prime repping the retail downloads, and Art of Balance gracing our consoles on the eShop exclusive front, with a special deal if you own the 3DS version – just make sure they’re both linked with the same Nintendo Network ID! Capcom are also giving us two NES games on the Virtual Console, with plenty of punching to be had.
The 3DS is a bit more lively, with a flurry of retail downloads happening, including KORG! Persona Q also gets a bit of DLC , alongside a handful of sales, and of course, a couple of themes. The themes tend to come out on the weekend, so keep an eye out- there’s some moustache themes, as well a Metal Gear Solid theme! And hey, a Sonic theme bundle! Kind of interesting…
So there we go, a calm before the holiday storm… what are you grabbing this eShop eve? Let us know, in the comments below!
Wii U Retail Downloads
Transformers Prime The Game (Activision, $39.95)
Wii U eShop Downloads
Art of Balance (Shin’en Multimedia, $12.85) – 25% off if you own Art of Balance on 3DS with the same NNID
Wii U eShop Temporary Discounts
Steamworld Dig (Image & Form, $5.69 – normally $11.49)
Little Inferno (Tomorrow Corporation, $4.99 – normally $9.99)
Another World (Digital Lounge, $5.20 – normally $10.40)
Nano Assault Neo (Shin’en, $9.75 – normally $13.00)
Wii U Virtual Console
Mighty Final Fight (NES, Capcom, $6.50)
Street Fighter 2010: The Final Fight (NES, Capcom, $6.50)
3DS Retail Downloads
Transformers Prime The Game (Activision, $39.95)
Angry Birds Trilogy (Activision, $39.95)
Moshi Monsters Moshlings Theme Park (Activision, $22.95)
KORG DSN-12 (DETUNE, $49.95)
3DS Downloadable Content
Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth (NIS America):
– Navigation: Marie — $3.90
– Navigation: Nanako — $3.90
3DS Temporary Discounts
Another World: 20th Anniversary Edition (Digital Lounge, $5.20 until 2/1/15, normally $10.40)
Art of Balance TOUCH! (Shin’en Multimedia, $7.85 until 8/1/15, normally $10.50)
Code of Princess (AGATSUMA, $34.90 until 1/1/15, normally $49.95)
Fractured Soul (Endgame Studios, $2.99 until 8/1/15, normally $9.99)
Steamworld Dig(Image & Form, $5.95 until 2/1/15, normally $11.99)
3DS Themes
Mario’s Mighty Moustache (Nintendo, $2.60)
Luigi’s Mighty Moustache (Nintendo, $2.60)
Tomodachi Life – Speech Bubble (Nintendo, $2.60)
Stripes: Blue & White Horizontal (Nintendo, $1.30)
Stripes: Red & White Horizontal (Nintendo, $1.30)
Sonic Boom Theme Bundle (SEGA USA, $2.60) — Includes:
-Sonic the Hedgehog
-Shadow the Hedgehog
-Amy Rose
-Also available for $2.60 each.
If you’re interested in the KORG software it’s 50% off at the moment (at least in New Zealand). Pretty good for a new release.
The Sonic theme bundle is $7.80, not $2.60.
The Metal Gear Solid theme is also $1.95.