Nintendo Download Update (1/5) Golf Light and Delayed Caves

Big week, you're sure to find something.


Well then, we can catch up on all the adrenaline the GameBoy Advance games on the Wii U have given us, and get back to some quality programming! The biggest release for most of you will be Mario Golf: World Tour on the 3DS, with all the DLC to go along with it. The demo went up a while ago if you’re still unsure, thankfully. Speaking of demos, we also get a Denpa Men 3 demo this week, if you like Augmented Reality in your dungeon crawlers. Other than that, we have an Etrian Odyssey game, and Galaga from days of yonder.

On the Wii U side, we got our Child of Light release yesterday! An RPG with gorgeous water colour art and a lot of rhyme in the dialogue, it’s definitely worth a look! We also get the crazy looking platformer, Stick it to the Man, and Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest filling out our Virtual Console quota.

So what are we all grabbing this week? We have enough to choose from, so let us know in the comments!

Note: The Australian eShop now updates at 9pm WST / 11pm EST each Thursday night. Thanks Daylight savings.

Wii U eShop Download

 Child of Light (Ubisoft, $19.95)
Stick it to the Man (Ripstone, $11.95)

Wii U Virtual Console

Castlevania II Simon’s Quest (Konami, NES, $6.50)


3DS Retail Download

 Mario Golf World Tour (Nintendo, $59.95) Out 3rd May
 Mario Golf World Tour: Free-Trial Course Pack – Free
 Mario Golf World Tour: Mushroom Pack – AU$7.80 (NZ$10.20)
 Mario Golf World Tour: Three-Pack Set – AU$15.60 (NZ$20.40)

If you buy Mario Golf World Tour before the 29th of May, you’ll be given a download code for Mario Golf (Game Boy Color) and be able to not only play the game for free but also before its official release.  Mario Golf (Game Boy Color) won’t be available to purchase until May 29th for everyone else.

Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl (NIS America, $59.95)
Hometown Story (Rising Star Games, $49.95)
Mystery Case Files Ravenhearst (MSL, $15.60)
Azada (MSL, $15.60)

3DS eShop Downloads

Cave Story (Nicalis, $10) – Not a joke.

3DS Virtual Console

Galaga (Namco Bandai, $5.60)


3DS Demos

THE “DENPA” MEN 3 The Rise of Digitoll (Genius Sonority, Free)
Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars (Atlus, Free)

No serious, Cave Story being there isn’t a joke.

Daniel Vuckovic

The Owner and Creator of this fair website. I also do news, reviews, programming, art and social media here. It is named after me after all. Please understand.

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Daniel Vuckovic

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