Nintendo Download Update (11/7) Pokemon Trading Card Game

No free Limited Edition card for you this time.


After a hectic couple of weeks on the eShop, especially for  Wii U owners it’s time to take the foot off the gas with a little bit of a slower week.

That doesn’t mean its a bad week though with 3DS owners being treated to the very brilliant Pokemon Trading Card Game…err game for the Game Boy Color. We’re not sure if the great multiplayer and infrared features will work on this game but believe it or not there’s still a good story to play through.

You do miss out of the limited edition Meowth card this time around.

Elsewhere there’s great discounts for NES Remix or NES Remix 2, depending on what one you own for Wii U owners.

So then, anything for you?

Wii U eShop Download

NES Remix and NES Remix 2 – If you own either title you can pick up the other for a discounted price, providing its on the same Wii U. $9.10 normally $13.00 – Until 24th July.

Wii U Virtual Console

 Pop’n Twinbee (SNES, Konami, $10.20)


3DS eShop Download

Nintendo Pocket Football Club (Nintendo,$15.60 until 13th July, normally $19.50)
Jett Rocket II: The Wrath of Taikai (Shin’en Multimedia, $7.70 until 24th July, normally $13.79)

3DS Virtual Console

Pokemon Trading Card Game (Nintendo, Game Boy Color, $6.50)

3DS eShop Demo

Jett Rocket II: The Wrath of Taikai (Shin’en Multimedia, free)

Daniel Vuckovic

The Owner and Creator of this fair website. I also do news, reviews, programming, art and social media here. It is named after me after all. Please understand.

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Daniel Vuckovic

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