Don't get too excited - they're not what you'd expect.
Nintendo have just finished up their Nintendo Direct broadcast and opened the floodgates for news. The first bit of news is that Nintendo have announced a brand new Pokemon game exclusive for the Nintendo eShop.
Not much was shown of the game, however the game does look to be somewhat similar to the AR pack-in game, Faceraiders, that comes included with the 3DS.
Of course, what would a Pokemon game be without captures? All the Pokemon you capture will be able to be transferred to Pokemon Black and White Version 2 when they release.
Pokemon AR Searcher has been announced for a release date of June 23rd, day and date with Japan’s release date of Black and White Version 2. It will retail for 300 yen, and a Western release has not been confirmed yet but we would bet it’s still coming for us too.
In other Pokemon news, Nintendo also announced an updated version of the Pokemon 3D Pokedex for the 3DS eShop. It will include many more Pokemon, along with some new features but will not be free. The current free version will be removed from the store soon, so be sure to grab it while you can folks!
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