Then again when hasn't there been shortages for a console launch lately?
Looks like if you’re in the UK and looking for a Wii U this Christmas you might have a hard time finding a console. Nintendo has confirmed that supply for the Wii U will be “Wii U stock levels will be tight on day one,” It’s not all bad news though if you miss out day one as Nintendo also say “However we will be providing retailers with regular stock deliveries in the run up to Christmas in order to meet demand as quickly as possible.”
There’s also reports that the number of consoles available day one could be as low as 25,000 units. However all the way up to Christmas there could be as many 100,00 units available. What this actually means is up for speculation at the moment, but getting closer to release day we’ll likely find out more. To put it into perspective, the Wii sold 105,000 units in the first weekend of release in the UK, so this 25,000 number is extremely low.
We’ve had no reports of shortages here in Australia as of yet and retailers are still happily accepting preorders. If that changes you’ll be the first to know.
Sid's back, there's a beefy cat, a phantom hero, and a moon.
Magnets, always with the magnets.