The new kiosks come in two versions, one for floor display and one for sales counters Both set-ups have delightfully hi-tech touch screens and cameras. Customers can pick up any Wii or DS game from the shelf and flash them in front of the camera. The ...
Both set-ups have delightfully hi-tech touch screens and cameras. Customers can pick up any Wii or DS game from the shelf and flash them in front of the camera. The kiosk will read the cover and bring up information about the game, along with a trailer. Nifty!
Additionally, the kiosks automatically list titles upcoming in the next two weeks, and allow customers to check out Nintendo Channel recommendations and sales data for each game.
The kiosks would be quite useful to those shoppers who are not too familiar with video games and trying to figure out which titles are the big hitters amongst all the shovelware. Need I ask if these kiosks would come to Australia? No.
Source: Siliconera
Collector's Edition rides on for Switch as well
To be called Rockstar Australia.