Collected that magic million? Get some printed recognition.
Have you collected over a million coins in New Super Mario Bros. 2 yet? If you answered yes then you can now register with Nintendo Australia to receive a free and limited edition certificate showing off the coin hoarding milestone.
All you’ll need to do is submit a photo to Nintendo of yourself with the milestone on your 3DS, not only that but if you have a high enough score you might get your face, name and score up on the site. I had my photo up on Nintendo’s site once, it was glorious.
At the moment there’s a 12 year old with 2 million coins in top spot. Impressive.
Also a reminder, if you haven’t downloaded the Gold Classics Pack for Coin Rush mode yet, you’ve got until tomorrow to get it for free. After that it will available to buy. This is the pack that contains remakes of levels from Super Mario Bros. and Super Mario Bros. 3.
Tinkertown, On Your Tail, The Phantom, Centum, ONE BTN BOSSES, Rogue Waters