It's that time of year, well it will be a week. Here's our 2012 E3 preview and predictions.
E3 is the most exciting time of the year for many gamers, as we are treated to a showcase of what we can expect in the future across various consoles.
E3 2012 is shaping up to be one of the biggest yet for Nintendo, mainly on the back of what is to be the full unveiling of the Wii U.
Recently, Nintendo have announced that they will have several key presentations at this year’s E3, such is the amount of information they want to share.
In anticipation of E3, some of the staff here at Vooks were asked to share the expectations on what Nintendo will unveil. Here is what was said:
As far as gaming goes, E3 is without a doubt the apex of gaming exhibitions. While there are numerous industry based gaming exhibitions every year, few meet the lofty heights and expectations that E3 manages every year (in most instances, anyway).
E3 2012 is shaping up to be a pretty eventful show for Nintendo, primarily because the Wii U will be receiving a full reveal. The E3’s that focus on the shift from one generation to the next are always the most exciting, as it symbolises the end of one generation of gaming console and the beginning of a new generation.
The Wii U is a no brainer when it comes to most anticipated showing for E3 2012. This is sure to be an almost universally shared opinion, at least when it comes to Nintendo fans worldwide. While E3 2011 did reveal the Wii U on some scale to the masses, we have had surprisingly little information released since then. I expected that we would learn quite a bit about the Wii U between E3 2011 and E3 2012, but this has not been the case. E3 2012, though, will mean a total unveiling of Nintendo’s new console.
As for the console itself, I am eager to hear some concrete information on the specs and overall power of the Wii U. We have read some conflicting reports as of late that have ranged from not quite as powerful to more powerful than current HD consoles such as the PS3 and Xbox360. I am certainly not one to base my entire choice of console or game on graphics alone, but it would be naive of Nintendo not to up the ante significantly on the current Wii specs. The new controller is the other key hardware related aspect of the Wii U that has me intrigued. It provides a whole new way to play games, and I am interesting to see how it works with several different genres and whether the control adds to the overall gaming experience or is more of a neat gimmick.
On the software front, I am hoping to see a strong launch line up with significant showings for Nintendo’s own IP as well as third party offerings. It already looks like we will have a New Super Mario Bros. title close to launch, but I’d also like to see some sort of news relating to a new 3D Mario platformer. Whilst a new Zelda is extremely unlikely at launch, I expect at least some news on its development at this year’s E3. We know a new Smash Bros. is coming, but this is quite a while off yet. No new console is the same without a new entry into the Mario Kart series, and I would expect a Mario Kart title within the first year of the Wii U’s launch. Pikmin 3 has been in development for what seems like eons, so we can only hope that more news is available on its release. It has been rumoured to be a launch title, so news confirming this would be most welcomed. I would also like to see more original IP’s from Nintendo, and I certainly expect them to release at least one new IP at launch that demonstrates the power and capabilities of the Wii U. Will it be similar to Wii Sports? Possibly, and while not a new IP, this could be a perfect type of game to release with the console.
As for third party games, I am most interested in seeing games like Batman, Call of Duty, Grand Theft Auto and other extremely well received third party titles that usually do not make it to Nintendo’s system. The Wii has missed out on a number of quality titles not due to lack of install base, but due to the Wii lacking in the power department. With a more powerful console, I am confident we will see a lot of great third party software making its way to the Wii U.
Finally, let’s not forget about the recently released 3DS. Despite a poor launch line-up, the 3DS has had several really good titles released in the last 12 or so months, including Mario Kart, Super Mario 3D land, Kid Icarus, Metal Gear Solid, Resident Evil and more. Mario Tennis is out very soon, and Luigi’s Mansion 2 was also announced some time ago. A new 3DS Zelda title is surely next on the cards, and we can expect a Smash Bros. game for the 3DS too, though this is also more likely to be announced in a future E3. Like the Wii U, I also want to see more great third party games on the 3DS. We have had quite a few so far, so hopefully this trend continues into the future.
E3 2012 is less than a month away now, and if Nintendo can deliver an E3 that mirrors my expectations, I would be impressed.
I really hate E3 prediction articles – not because I think they’re bad or anything – just because I’m not good at doing it. I was incredibly wrong last year, so this year I’m going to be more reserved.
Nintendo’s E3 conference is going to be dominated by the Wii U. It’s the coming out party you’ve all been waiting for, though not the one you want. We know the price and date won’t be there so put that out of your mind now. What we will get is some shock and awe.
Nintendo’s essentially going to reboot what we know about the Wii U. Last year’s conference was terrible at showing off what the console can do so this year we will see what it can do in the form of games. Games game games. Pikmin 3 will be there for sure, it will be the game Nintendo show off, apart from any sort of ‘Wii Sport’ game they come up with. I don’t mean a sport compilation but instead another bundled game that demoes what the Wii U can do.
The rest will be third party titles, lots and lots of third party titles. Ubisoft will be there with Rayman Legends, Killer Freaks from Outer Space and maybe Assassin’s Creed. But since Assassin’s Creed is coming to other systems, it might not get that much of a show. THQ will demo Darksiders II and show movies of everything else they have. Batman, Ninja Gaiden, Aliens and Lego City Stories will also get shown off.
Nintendo’s going to be light on details about the hardware, unless they have something amazing technological-wise to show off. The user interface will get a bit of a demo but don’t expect much about online plans unless there is a game to show it off. There will be a small demo about the ‘tablet’ functions the Wii U can do such as apps and non-game applications like showing off the TV functions we saw last year.
So what about the 3DS? Don’t expect the next Smash Bros, as this is likely to be quite a while away. You can expect Monster Hunter, Paper Mario, New Super Mario Bros. 2, Luigi’s Mansion 2 and Animal Crossing. These are the big games we’ll see, if any new games do get announced they’ll be for the eShop and there should be a lot of them.
Nintendo has taken to E3 not showing off too many new titles unless its a console launch, we know all these games are on the way. Why announce more?
Oh and the Wii and DS? Expect nothing.
I think what I’m expecting for the Wii U at E3 is nothing too surprising, though things that will put a smile on my face. We know there will be a 2D Mario game and I imagine due to the selling power of the game, it will be there for launch. Pikmin 3 has also been confirmed by Miyamoto and I imagine it’ll be one of the technically impressive games on show, that’ll make decent use of the touch screen. Retro haven’t been confirmed to be making a Wii U game, but they do have a project due at the end of the year by all accounts; another game that will be a technical showcase for the console. Monolith have also been working on a game for the Wii U and another RPG like Xenoblade (EXACTLY like Xenoblade) would add a beautiful string to the bow that will be the Wii U library, even if it isn’t there at launch.
Now for my Wii U wishes, to expand on what I’m expecting above, I do hope the 2D Mario game that is coming is either a HD ‘Allstars’ game or Super Mario Brothers U (new motif, to take advantage of HD). A HD Allstars game, admittedly, is more of a personal want. The 30th Anniversary disc for the Wii was just a ROM dump, which was a bit lazy. I think it’d be worth exploring if all of Super Mario Brothers 1, Lost Levels, 2 and 3 and Super Mario World were all redone, like the SNES one was, but in HD. Even adding stuff like local multiplayer co-op to sweeten the deal for those who’ve played through these game numerous times before. Of course, Super Mario Brothers 4 would also create a huge buzz (and I mean outside the gaming media) and that could be far more well designed to utilise Wii U features. It’ll be interesting to see what comes out of it.
I also hope that Retro’s new game is a new 3D Metroid (I also wouldn’t be against a new 2D Metroid, that plays close to Super Metroid), one that is full of mystery and isolation. Let’s take Metroid back to what made it great. Forget about the cinematics and narrative, give me Metroid.
Other than that, I hope to see a lot of things, though I’m not expecting all of them to come to fruition. A GTAV trailer at the Nintendo press conference would raise eye brows for sure as would a FIFA or Madden demo on the stage. I expect actual Wii U footage of Assassin’s Creed 3, Darksiders 2, Alien: Colonial Marines and all the other jazz that was announced last year. Silicon Knights have said they’re working on something their fans want to see – Eternal Darkness 2 perhaps? Likely, I think. Perhaps Resident Evil 6 will also be announced despite it already having been said that Capcom have no intentions of making a Wii U version at this time. Blizzard might be interested in bringing the console version of Diablo 3 to the Wii U, and that touch screen would certainly help with an interface. Bioshock Infinite was delayed recently. Wii U version in the works perhaps? Who knows. I’m not saying all these things are going to happen, or are even likely to happen, just throwing ideas out there.
One final thing on the Wii U that might be interesting to see is more of this rumoured OS that I’ve been hearing about. Rumours state that the current RAM partition of this OS is at a mammoth 512MB. That’s easily the biggest console OS we’d have ever seen attempted to date and it would fall in line with thoughts coming out that Nintendo are taking online far more seriously this time (the 3DS already shows good signs). To make the rumours even juicier (although this really is stretching it so grain of salt everyone) is that Google may have been working with Nintendo for this OS. That certainly would be something that would pique interest.
Am I the only one who just wants to see the Nintendo offering catch up to all the other consoles? I know it’s not the popular view around here, but it’d be nice to be able to buy the new Call Of Duty, Assassins Creed, Grand Theft Auto, Force Unleashed etc. and not get some gimped out version with terrible controls and little to no playability. I also know that the charm of the Nintendo console is in the indy IP and the homegrown favourites like Mario and Zelda, but I’m always a little bit embarrassed of the “major offerings” from Nintendo whenever a big game conference like E3 is on. Nintendo hasn’t given me anything to be excited about in a long time. In fact, 90% of the reason I own a Wii is for Virtual Console, so I can play old games at a decent resolution on my Plasma TV and not have to worry about blowing into a cartridge. Nothing that is on the shelves for the Wii interests me, and if it does I’d rather buy the superior 360/PS3 version. Even the Wii’s big throwdown with the Goldeneye remake was done better on the bigger brother consoles (albiet later on).
Nintendo really need to step up their game. Give us something with actual “WOW”, not just gimmick. Releasing gold controllers is not “WOW”. Nor is releasing the same old thing. Make us NEED to buy a Wii-U, and NEED to buy every game that comes out, on release day, for full price, because DAMNIT I CANNOT WAIT ANY MORE JUST GIMME GIMME GIMME.
I am yet to have that feeling with the Wii. Here’s hoping I’m pleasantly surprised this E3.
Obviously the thing I’m most excited about this E3 is some real insight into the Wii U. I’m hoping Nintendo reveal the specs and the launch line-up of software. Other rumoured information will hopefully be commented on as well, such as the potential name change. Just be clear and concise this time Nintendo. We don’t need another debacle like last year.
I’m hoping that alongside Pikmin 3, another first party title is confirmed for launch. Don’t get me wrong, Pikmin is great, but I just feel there needs to be an alternative available for those who aren’t fans of the series. I’d love a new Starfox, or even F-Zero. Something players can experience together (let’s get the Wii U parties going early with some great software!) On this topic though, perhaps we’ll see something aimed at the more casual market. Could it be another Wii Sports iteration, or perhaps a new WarioWare? I’d be for either, or both. You simply can’t have too many quality first party titles at launch.
On the topic of the third party line-up, I think there are some quality titles there. Whilst I don’t really care for them personally, it’s great to see big names like Assassin’s Creed, Batman and Ninja Gaiden providing some substantial third party support. I’ve got a bit of passing interest in Killer Freaks from Outer Space and Aliens: Colonial Marines, but Darksiders II is probably the third party title I’d most likely pick up at launch. SEGA have supposedly been working on some titles for the Wii U, so I’d like to see them at E3. Could we be getting a brand new Sonic the Hedgehog title? Perhaps that coveted third game in the NiGHTS series? Or even a completely new IP. Only time will tell.
In the way of the 3DS, I’m expecting to see a fair bit of Luigi’s Mansion 2. Which makes me happy… very happy. Naturally we’re also going to get our first look at New Super Mario Bros. 2 in motion (previously only screenshots), so we’ll get a good idea of how ‘fresh’ it is. Perhaps we’ll also see some of the other games that have been on the backburner for a while (at least from a news point of view) such as Paper Mario 3DS and Animal Crossing 3DS. The one I’m personally quite interested in is Keiji Inafune’s Kaio: King of Pirates, as we know next-to nothing about that. It does however look quite unique, and with such a prestigious designer behind it, well it’s hard not to get a little excited.
Games make a system, so naturally that’s been my focus here. Let’s hope that we get to see a great implementation of the Wii U’s unique hardware with all of these software titles though.
Catch you on the other side of E3!
[excited Kong noises]
Collector's Edition rides on for Switch as well
To be called Rockstar Australia.