Free NES game now available for download after Shop Channel update Remember when Nintendo made the Internet Channel free earlier this year, and announced a special system for those who originally paid for it to get a refund? Well, theyve now released ...
Remember when Nintendo made the Internet Channel free earlier this year, and announced a special system for those who originally paid for it to get a refund? Well, theyve now released the details about how it is going to work.
Youll need to download an update for the Wii Shop Channel. After that, you press the Get Free NES Game button in the Shop menu to access a free NES game (of 500 points value) of your choice. However, the offer will expire at 11:59pm PST on 12/31/2009, so make sure you download your free game before the end of the year! People who received the channel as a gift earlier will also be able to take part in this promotion.
Because Gate Rune and Dunan Unification War is too long to fit in a title.