Nintendo able to make an MMO?

EA Mythic creative director Paul Barnett thinks they could. ""The number-one problem of a developer of an MMO these days is it's very hard to be creative and keep your eye on the target when almost everyone has only ever played one of these games and ...


EA Mythic creative director Paul Barnett thinks they could. “”The number-one problem of a developer of an MMO these days is it’s very hard to be creative and keep your eye on the target when almost everyone has only ever played one of these games and it dominates their thinking”” he said in a recent interview. What he said really makes sense, MMOs are much of the same and when you look at the recent innovations coming from Nintendo, it does seem that they would be one company able to pull out something new and original from under their hats.

Stuart Garsed

Published by
Stuart Garsed