Nintendo Japan confirms the bad news We were dreading it, we knew it would probably happen but still we hoped for the best. According to a email returned to a Japanese message board user, Nintendo Japan support has confirmed that the Nintendo 3DS will...
We were dreading it, we knew it would probably happen but still we hoped for the best. According to a email returned to a Japanese message board user, Nintendo Japan support has confirmed that the Nintendo 3DS will have the same region locking that the current Nintendo DSi and Nintendo DSi games have. Heres what they had to say;
ニンテンド ーDS、DS Liteには設定されておりませんが、
There are no Region codes in DS and DSlite
DSi、DSi LL、3DS本 体にはリ ージョンコ ードが設定されております。
But DSI, DSILL,3DS has Regioncodes.
リ ージョンコ ードはゲ ーム機本 体とゲ ームソフトそれぞれに
The Region Codes are installed in each games and the 3DS itself.
設定されており、 両方のリ ージョンコ ードが一致しないと
If the codes dont match
You cant play
仕向地 国により、リ ージョンコ ードが異なるため、例えば、
If the region codes are different. For example
日本仕 様のゲ ーム機本 体で韓 国仕 様のゲ ームソフトを動かす
If you play a korean 3DS game with a Japanese 3DS system
(又はその逆)ということができない仕 様となっております。
(or vice versa) you wont be able to play at all.
The bad news comes just days after the Nintendo World 2011 event and days before events in Europe and America. Keep in mind this information could still be incorrect or indeed fake but we were expecting the other shoe to drop sooner or later.
Region locking a handheld is a ridiculous concept and will only encourage people to import systems, at least here in Australia. It also creates confusion as to exactly which games will and wont work on what consoles.
Source: NeoGAF
Police say crime syndicate has been broken up.