Iwata discussed the impending Wii U system update tonight, confirming some of what we already know, and revealing some new features we hadn’t seen before.
As we knew already from past Direct broadcasts, this upcoming update will shorten the time the Wii U takes to switch between software and the Wii U home menu.
There were also many previously unknown features revealed including the ability to move downloaded content between different hard drives, the ability for the Wii U to automatically download software updates without needing prompting from a user, and the ability to install these updates seamlessly even while you are playing a game on the system. Games and other data can also be downloaded and installed while the system is in standby, similar to the 3DS.
Another interesting feature that Iwata revealed was the ability to boot straight into the Wii mode when turning on the Wii U, saving you the hassle of booting the Wii U, then booting Wii mode from there. To do this, you will simply need to hold the B button as you turn on the Wii U, and it will boot straight to Wii mode.
Iwata also confirmed that the Wii U Virtual Console will be available the day after the System Update. It was confirmed as we knew, that these games would support Off-TV Play on the Wii U GamePad, save states, as well as having their own Miiverse communities.
It was confirmed that we will see
Finally, Iwata announced that a day after the System Update, we will have access to Panorama View, an application that allows you to take a video tour through famous destinations, using the Wii U GamePad to look all around in a full 360-degree view.
A free demo will be available, and full tours will be purchasable on the eShop.
Are Off-TV play, save states and Miiverse enough to entice you to upgrade from your existing Virtual Console games, or to buy them for the first time? Let us know in the comments or on the forums!
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