The next Zelda adventure will be released this year says Iwata While we’re yet to see any of the new Zelda game on Wii just yet, Iwata says the game will be out by the end of 2010. Iwata also announced that the Wii Vitality Sensor will also be o...
While we’re yet to see any of the new Zelda game on Wii just yet, Iwata says the game will be out by the end of 2010. Iwata also announced that the Wii Vitality Sensor will also be out before the end of the year.
Recently producer Eiji Aonuma said to look out for more Zelda Wii goodies at this year’s E3. While we’re keen for some Zelda action, Twilight Princess was meant to be out in 2005. Just saying.
Because Gate Rune and Dunan Unification War is too long to fit in a title.