Naughty naughty, developer leaks photos on Twitter. Shows tweaked design with new sticks!
Well something had to leak out before E3, guess this might be it. A developer, allegedly a QA tester from Traveller’s Tales Games posted the images long enough for the internet to see them before their Twitter account was deleted.
The changes in the controller are numourous with the main addition being the dual analogue sticks which now adorn the front of the controller. No more slider pads, full clickable analogue sticks. Hooray.
More things of note include a ‘square’ on the face of the controller under the D-Pad which may be the Near Field Contact (NFC) point on the controller.
The start and select buttons have moved to the right of the screen and there is now also a square button on the right of the battery light with no marking. The two cables at the top appear to be a Nintendo DSi/3DS charger cable and the one on the right is the developers lead to the dev unit.
The Wii U logo is also on the front face of the controller now and is all grey.
So new analogue sticks? Good? What about that position of them above the face buttons?
Because Gate Rune and Dunan Unification War is too long to fit in a title.