Wii Mini exclusive to Canada this year, doesn’t have Internet, GameCube capabilities

Nintendo has officially announced the Wii Mini, the entirely new look console will come to Canada exclusively this year for a low introductory price of $99 dollars. The unit will come with a Red Wii Remote Plus and Nunchuck, a sensor bar and all the cords you need to get gaming.
There’s one thing different about this Wii Mini that’s not how it looks. The Wii Mini has no internet connectivity at all, so no Wii Shopping Channel, no YouTube, Browser, Netflix or even online games. As much of a baffling move as existing in the first place. It also does not have the ability to play GameCube games.
We’re sure Nintendo will release this system in other regions later on, but it’s still a bizarre move.
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This seems like a really strange move by Nintendo…not the Wii mini itself – just the timing of the machine. Being so close to the launch of the Wii U will surely confuse some customers during the holiday season. This would have been much better this time last year, or maybe early next year. Hopefully it doesn’t confuse consumers too much.
If there is any company that can sell multiple devices in the same category at once, I guess it’s Nintendo! The fact they sold 300,000 Wii’s along with 400,000 Wii U consoles last week in America is a pretty crazy feat. Shows there is still strong demand for their 6 year old system. Either that or 300,000 people thought they were getting a great deal on a Wii U!
So it turns out this is a Canadian Exclusive at present. $99.99CAD – no internet capabilities….kind of like the PSP-E1000 I guess.
I imagine Nintendo is testing this product in Canada and will see how it fares before releasing it in other territories.
Really liking the design on this thing. Reminds me of early 90’s consoles only a lot more refined.
Wow. A console that just plays games, no useless internet crap. This is perfect for the kids bedroom. Now they can experience the simplicity of the old megadrive, snes days of my youth. good move nintendo.