Want to save some money buying digitally? Then you better not be in the UK.
Two steps forward, three step back. That’s what we’re learning from Europe this morning where it’s revealed that New Super Mario Bros. 2 will be £39.99 on the European eShop. That’s 5 more pounds than the RRP and ten more than what Amazon is charging.
Then again Nintendo rarely sets RRP on many of their products (in Europe) , allowing stores to charge what they want and let competition dictate the final price.
So while you might be getting the game digitally and the benefits that come with that, Nintendo avoids paying for shipping, packaging and distributing fees and takes more of a cut. We realise Nintendo don’t want to piss off annoy retailers, but charging more?
What’s worse is we don’t know how much it’s going to cost here in Australia. If it’s $69.95 like it is in stores then we’ll not only be paying more for it digitally, but also at least $10 more than the UK.
First world digital problems?
Because Gate Rune and Dunan Unification War is too long to fit in a title.