Developers 'pissed' at delay.
So last week Ubisoft went and delayed Rayman Legends to release it on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 delaying it for the Wii U in the process. This wouldn’t be a problem though if the game on the Wii U wasn’t already finished. To make things worse, we’ve since learned the games’ developers have been ‘crunching’ hard on the game to get it complete. They’ve been missing their families too and to quote one directly they’re ‘pissed‘ about too.
[pullquote_right]”If you’re pissed, imagine how we feel … we’ve been making overtime with this game practically since May (2012)”[/pullquote_right]
“I completely understand you but you have to understand one thing. This is not a decision taken by the development team, this comes from really really high up, so please don’t pick on the game.” writes one of the games developer on a Spanish forum (translated by NeoGAF).
He continues “If you’re pissed, imagine how we feel. Think on the situation, we’ve been making overtime with this game practically since May preparing E3, and then almost a demo per month (gamescon, Wii U presentation, shops, eShop, etc…) and at the same time trying to actually finish the game. We had a first delay because it was obvious we couldn’t finish on time but we gave it all to be there on February. What face do you think we had when the week we had to close the game we’re being told it’s not going to be released? I couldn’t believe it.”
But in a final kick to fans and the game development team, Ubisoft have announced that another demo will be coming exclusively to the Wii U.
[quote]Thanks for all your feedback regarding Rayman Legends in all of its forms. We have heard you and we will continue to listen. We understand your frustration and that you want to get your hands on the game. We are working with the development team to provide you with a new, exclusive demo for the Wii U soon. Stay tuned for more.[/quote]
Sure the developers now have to make the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 version of the game, but now they also have to cut yet another demo of the game. Meanwhile you’ll still be waiting 6 months for Rayman Legends. Even though the game is finished right now for the Wii U.
What a complete mess.
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