Another fresh Pokemon Sun & Moon trailer has hit and while some of it was leaked earlier in the week in CoroCoro, there are actually a few surprises.
The biggest of which we already knew from CoroCoro leaks but now will have the real English name for Type:Null’s evolution – Silvally.
Ask revealed in CoroCoro this Pokemon changes type based on what item it holds, this ability is called the RKS system. (Say RKS out loud, wink wink).
Silvally and Gladion, evolution of Type:Null
Steenee and Tsareena – evolutions of Bounsweet
Hakamo-o, Kommo-o – evolutions of Jangmo-o
New Trainers
Alolan Grimer and Muk
New artwork for Datrix, Torracat, Brionne
There’s no new features in this one, just Pokemon and trainers. Probably a good thing to keep some surprises in store.
Pokemon Sun and Moon is out on November 18th, just over a month to go.
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