New details on Top Spin 3 heading to Wii

With investor conference calls the flavour of the month its 2K Sports turn. Usually 2K doesnt have much to do with Nintendo, but with Nintendos resurgence in the market lately, 2K has something to discuss this time. Top Spin 3 is heading to the Wii th...


With investor conference calls the flavour of the month its 2K Sports turn. Usually 2K doesnt have much to do with Nintendo, but with Nintendos resurgence in the market lately, 2K has something to discuss this time. Top Spin 3 is heading to the Wii this year and sadly it looks like its going to lacking in features compared to its PS3/Xbox 360 counter parts. While its not all bad, Top Spin 3 on the Wii, like many a port, is going for the simple experience as well as the hard core. More inside
The Wii version will, of course, feature motion controls for both casual and enthusiast players, in addition to mini-games. Players in the games will have unique animations matching their real life play style. Online play will be missing from the Wii version however as no doubt the play together type philosophy for Wii is shining through.

Source Cubed3

Daniel Vuckovic

The Owner and Creator of this fair website. I also do news, reviews, programming, art and social media here. It is named after me after all. Please understand.

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Daniel Vuckovic