New 3D Mario title and Mario Kart for Wii U to be playable at E3 2013
Nintendo has hit the double whammy in it’s latest Nintendo Direct confirming that a new 3D Mario title and a new Mario Kart will both be playable for the Wii U at E3 later this year.
The Nintendo EAD Tokyo team who you might know from their previous work on Super Mario Galaxy and Super Mario 3D Land have a 3D Mario title in the works for the Wii U. It’s not known who is developing the new Mario Kart.
Super Smash Bros. for the Wii U and 3DS will be revealed at E3 2013 as well, but not playable.
No other details were given just yet, not even names.
How long is it until E3 again then?
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Nice, I figured MK would be announced 🙂
Smash bros until E’3 ;p
So they have basically left us waiting for news for the next 6 months… expect the rumors to get big and crazy.