Morphies Law landed this week on the eShop, but it’s first few days online have been a little rough. Fear not though as developers Cosmoscope have already submitted a patch and it should be with us soon.
It fixes a number of issues that have been affecting online players;
– Changed online settings to enforce geographical proximity – this should alleviate the lag while we continue working on setting up dedicated servers, please let us know your feedback.
– Fixed spawn protection – now you’ll be invincible for 5 seconds or until you leave your base.
– Fixed gunshot sounds looping infinitely sometimes on death.
– Fixed loud sounds that would sometimes play before the map intro.
– Fixed XP gains for private games – it is now 75% of the regular online XP instead of 25%.
– Increased the daily cap on XP and Nuts that can be gained from offline/private/local games to 5000XP and 500Nuts.
– Fixed bug in Tanker Town where exiting tunnels at certain inclinations would sometimes kill you.
– Fixed the recharge time of weapon part “Sonic Punch” – it is no longer spammable.
– Disabled the ability to “unready” in private/LAN matches to avoid potential 5v3 scenarios.
Because Gate Rune and Dunan Unification War is too long to fit in a title.