One of the many reasons No More Heroes was great was because you had a lightsaber - erm, beam katana. No, if we know our math, No More Heroes 2 is set to be twice as good! This weeks Famitsu has revealed that Travis Touchdown learns the art of dual-wi...
This weeks Famitsu has revealed that Travis Touchdown learns the art of dual-wielding in the upcoming sequel, sporting not one, but two beam katanas! And… well… thats about all we know about the dual-wielding at this point – no word on how this will play out in-game, or what it means for the rumoured MotionPlus functionality.
Also in the article, we find out that Sylvia Christel will return, and a hip-hop styled assassin named Nathan Copeland – ranked 50th by the United Assassins Association. Little else is known at this point, though his weapon appears to a boom box that transforms into robotic arms.
Well likely find out more at E3, but perhaps this will keep you going until then.
The draw has been completed.