Control options are explained, locations revealed, track sharing is supported and more While Excitebike: World Rally was announced two days ago, no real specifics of the game were revealed, but an IGN preview has now shared most of these. Fans of the...
While Excitebike: World Rally was announced two days ago, no real specifics of the game were revealed, but an IGN preview has now shared most of these.
Fans of the original will be very pleased to find that the classic control option is exactly the same as the NES games layout. For those wanting something a little different, a motion version is available that sees you hold the Wii Remote normally in one hand, pressing left and right on the d-pad to change lanes and twisting the Remote to lean back and forward. Pressing the A button on both schemes will change the camera angle. The aforementioned wheelie can be used to go over slow competitors, and you can also bump into them with your front wheel to make them fall down and cool your own engine.
Races take place over Japan, Mexico, London and the US, but those wanting different tracks arent left out. A track builder is included in the game that allows you create, save, and even share your masterpieces with friend over the Internet. On these races you are given a rank to ascertain whether you can pass onto the next stage or not; A and B let you progress, while C and lower mean you have to do the race again. Theres also an S rank available like the original for very good performances.
All these rankings wouldnt be that fun if there wasnt a record system, would they? So it is fortunate that the title will feature one, and even has an icon that signifies which control method you used. A replay option lets you watch the race you just finished, but unfortunately it doesnt seem that you can save them for later.
Lastly, there is some confirmation on the online options available. While they werent able to actually try an online race, IGN reported that the game does allow you to either race with random players online—like Mario Kart Wii—or with specific people using your good old buddies, the friend codes.
Source: IGN
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