More details on EB Games Wii VIP Offer
A month ago we brought you the news that EB would offer a VIP card to those that preorder the Wii. Well today the first cards have made it into stores and have been handed out. The first game which will be offered at the VIP price will be none other then Tony Hawk’s Downhill Jam. Simply preorder your Wii at any EB store, fill in the VIP form and youll receive your Wii VIP Card which entitles you to a different discounted Wii game every month.
More Inside In the case of Tony Hawk, you will pay $89.95 instead of the usual $109.95. First party Wii software pricing has not yet been confirmed while EA software has been listed for $99.95.
As a VIP member you will receive each month’s VIP title via email. All you then need to do is flash your VIP card when purchasing the selected title.
If this offer runs long enough you could save more money on your Wii than the Toys R Us offer, assuming you buy enough games to make it worthwhile.