Monster Hunter 4 coming to Japan in September

And with a new trailer too!


The second half of tonight’s Japanese centric Nintendo Direct was dedicated to Monster Hunter 4, a Nintendo 3Ds exclusive.

Producer for the game from Capcom, Tsujimoto, confirmed that Monster Hunter 4 would be releasing in Japan on the 14th of September this year, at a price of 5990 Japanese Yen. He also confirmed and revealed plans to release limited edition 3DS and 3DS XL consoles that come with the game, though we’re uncertain if it’s a digital pack-in game or a physical one.

Tsujimoto also took some time to talk about the game, discussing how popular monsters from the original Monster Hunter series would be appearing, along with new monsters. In addition to this, two new weapon types are being introduced – a souchuukan and a charge axe. Capcom are so keen to show off Monster Hunter 4, they are even showing it off in Odaiba, Japan this weekend.

To help further push the game in Japan, Capcom are also employing Honda Keisuke, a well known soccer player to appear in the Monster Hunter 4 commercials. If that’s not enough, Japanese eShoppers can even download a 3D trailer of Monster Hunter 4.

We don’t have a date for Monster Hunter 4 just yet, but we did just get Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate recently. Once we know more, we’ll of course let you know.

James Mitchell

Avid gamer since I was as young as three years old when I received my first NES. Currently studying full time and consider myself a balanced gamer. Enjoy games on all systems, from all genres, on all platforms. Sometimes feels like he's too optimistic for this industry.

Published by
James Mitchell

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