Ever wondered when you buy a game in Australia why it has the Monaco Corporation on the back of the case alongside Nintendo Australia? Well for the last 11 years the Monaco Corporation has been the distributor for Nintendo software and hardware over i...
Monaco has cited insufficient profit margins and with the end of this generation coming for the GameCube, has decided not to continue the account. So why does this matter? Wont it simply be the same deal for New Zealanders? After speaking with a couple of New Zealand members, they told us that they are excited for the switch. Not only does this mean that games may not cost over $130NZ now (with little or no discounting, and priced overly more PS2 and Xbox games), as well as the customer service aspect. New Zealanders werent open to the same quality service we receive here. Also we are not sure if Nintendo will be opening an office over there (seriously doubt it) or simply exporting straight there.
So what does this mean for Australians? Well hopefully not too much, lets just hope Nintendo Australia doesnt have to spread themselves to thinly. Monaco will continue distributing THQ, Ubisoft, Sega and Capcom games.
Source:Game Planet NZ
Suikoden I&II HD Remaster, Sorry We're Closed, MainFrames, Everhood 2 and Carmen Sandiego
Collector's Edition rides on for Switch as well