At a recent Nintendo investor meeting Shigeru Miyamoto was asked about his hobbies in the hope of getting some insight into his latest projects It was revealed that the man behind Mario is working on a DSiWare application which allows users to &ldquo...
It was revealed that the man behind Mario is working on a DSiWare application which allows users to “make their own DS download service”, based on his contribution to his neighbourhood community.
Essentially the application can be used to send to owners of any DS hardware images taken with the DSi’s camera or audio samples from the microphone, in what looks to be a "do-it-yourself" take on the various promotional services Nintendo utilises via Wi-Fi at certain hot spots.
Miyamoto envisions the device to be used by retailers, such as local coffee shops. The owners of such establishments could use the application to set up a service allowing DS owners to receive a menu and introduction to the shop, via their handheld console.
Several games of Miyamoto’s pedigree, including his intellectual property Pikmin, have been based on his hobbies (the former example stemming, no pun intended, from gardening). Upon being asked the question at the beginning of the investor meeting, Miyamoto made a usual response of being unable to talk about his hobbies as they will become hints about future titles, before joking that "its not the case that I have hobbies in the hopes of making a new game."
The application is scheduled to be available in Japan sometime this month, but as of now there are no planned releases in other regions.
Source: Andriasang
Sonic and speed, they just go together
Not ideal.
Finally, some preorder bonuses.