Nintendo 3DS firmware update version 7.0.0-13 is now available, bringing new features like Nintendo Network IDs and Miiverse to the 3DS.
Once updated, 3DS users can create a Nintendo Network ID, or link one they’ve already made on a Wii U console.
Alongside this Network ID, players can now access and post to the Miiverse from their 3DS systems.
Other less obvious improvements include notifications when games have updates available, a change to the method of activating the 3DS camera and the removal of the 5 System Transfer limit which might bring relief to people who’ve come close to the old limit.
You now also have to hit both L and R buttons to activate the camera, we know that happens a lot!
The regular ‘system stability’ improvements have also been made.
We are currently testing how this firmware update affects region switching to access eShops from other countries, please stay tuned.
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