The Xbox 360 pioneered it, the PS3 has its own spin on it and now the Wii or at least a Wii game has it too. According to reports Metroid Prime 3: Corruption is set to feature the digital prizes. Dubbed as the mini-achievement system, the game gives o...
One example is saving some troopers, you are rewarded some blue tokens for it and an achievement is mentioned at the top of the screen. So obviously the Wii doesnt have a gamer tag system or gamer score, so what do you get for getting these achievements? You unlock extras of course which are conveniently accessed though an extras menu but thats not all you can do with these tokens. There is one more token, a friends voucher which allows you to send it your friend through Wifi and it adds green tokens for both parties to unlock, how this works or what effect these green tokens do is unknown at this point.
Expect to hear more about Metroid closer to its release and in a few days after the US media embargo ends.
Source: CVG
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