Meteos Sequel Announced

One of the best Nintendo DS puzzle games of last year, Meteos is getting a follow up game, but not in the way alot of people would of been expecting. Q Entertainment has just announced that they will be releasing later this year Meteos: Disney Edition...


One of the best Nintendo DS puzzle games of last year, Meteos is getting a follow up game, but not in the way alot of people would of been expecting. Q Entertainment has just announced that they will be releasing later this year Meteos: Disney Edition.

Click on the Title to get the full details April 26, 2006 – Today Buena Vista games and Q Entertainment announced that they will produce… Meteos: Disney Edition for the Nintendo DS.

Meteos is a top-rated, brightly-colored, super-addictive, space-based puzzler for the DS. Meteos: Disney Edition will star beloved Disney characters and doubtlessly capture the hearts of children everywhere.

“”Q Entertainment established itself last year as the premier creator … Meteos for the Nintendo DS. This year, our goal is to build upon that success and reach new heights around the world with our new publishing agreement with BVG.”” said Q Entertainment CEO Shuji Utsumi.

Meteos: Disney Edition is slated for release fall of 2006 for the US.

Source: IGN

It should be interesting to see how this game plays out, is it going to be the same game just with Mickey Mouse and Dondald Duck plastered all over the place. Or will there be new game modes or an online option. With any luck E3 will reveal all.

Daniel Worthington

A diehard Nintendo fan since I got my first Game Boy back on Christmas 1992 and haven't looked back since. Got SNES with Super Mario Allstars for Christmas 1993. Favorite games of all time include such amazing titles as Secret of Mana, Kirby Canvas Curse, Chrono Trigger, Zelda Majoras Mask and of course Super Mario Galaxy. I'm a huge retro game fan and own way too many random Game Boy carts to count or name. I host the Vookcast around here and like to chip in with the occasional downloadable title review whenever I can find the time.

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Daniel Worthington

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