Metal Slug Collection heading to Wii

This morning IGN is reporting that SNK is going to be developing games for the Wii. The first title (in so many years) will be Metal Slug Anthology, which will be a compilation of all the classic Metal Slug games. It is also reported that these games ...


This morning IGN is reporting that SNK is going to be developing games for the Wii. The first title (in so many years) will be Metal Slug Anthology, which will be a compilation of all the classic Metal Slug games. It is also reported that these games will make using of the Wiimote for controlling the characters on screens.

Ben Herman told IGN that “”The Wii controller will be used in a new and unique way that enhances the gameplay. Our fans have demanded that we support Nintendo platforms. Let the celebration begin.”” The compilation will include Metal Slug 2 through 5, and possibly 6. But thats not all, SNK promises that “”This will be a full arcade collection including many additional surprises.”” Which sounds very exciting.

More information will be make available at E3 2006 in just a weeks time where the game will be in a playable form. Expect a Hands-on Impression and Screenshots then.

Daniel Vuckovic

The Owner and Creator of this fair website. I also do news, reviews, programming, art and social media here. It is named after me after all. Please understand.

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Daniel Vuckovic

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