Merrick interview confirms Mario Kart DS chat + more!
Spanish Online Magazine has recently conducted an interview with Jim Merrick of Nintendo of Europe.
Merrick confirms chat function or Mario Kart DS
If you don’t know the people you are playing with, you won’t be able to chat with them, to protect the privacy of the young users. On the other hand, if you play against a friend you’ll be able to chat. Every DS has a MAC code, and you’ll have to give this code to your friends to be able to play and chat with them.
The interview also revealed some interesting tidbits concerning DS and Revolution:
– Nintendo of Europe will set up over 25,000 hotspots across Europe (We are expecting an announcement from Nintendo Australia this week.)
– The USB Wi-fi adapter will available on Nov 25th at 39.95 (~$65AUD). The adapter will also be compatible with Revolution.
– Revolution will launch worldwide within 14 weeks maximum that means on the same quarter in every region.
– Multiplayer mode in Revolution will have multiple players with only one copy of the game, similar to the Nintendo DS Download play.
– You’ll be able to download retro games from different regions (for instance, an European user could download Super Mario RPG for the SNES from the US server).
– When played on Revolution, N64 games will have better frame rate but there won’t be significant graphical improvements (such as textures etc).
– No Revolution games will be shown in 2005.
– The Revolution will be graphically on par with the Xbox360 and PS3
Source (in Spanish): Meristation, GAF Member Gessle