Majora’s Mask is without a doubt the darkest game in the Legend of Zelda franchise and easily the black sheep with the most polarising reception amongst the fan base. So it comes to no surprise that fans have been clamoring for a remake of the game for years now, especially given that most of the game assets were updated appropriately for the Nintendo 3DS when Ocarina of Time was ported over and enhanced earlier in the systems life cycle.
It should come as no surprise that previously, Miyamoto has hinted at either a Link to the Past or Majora’s Mask game being made next and this has since become a reality with the announcement of A Link Between Worlds later this year. Given that we’ve also been told an original Zelda would come before a Majora’s Mask redux, it seems that there is still hope for Majora’s Mask coming to the 3DS once A Link Between Worlds is done.
Well, as if the flames didn’t need any more tempering, Shigeru Miyamoto had some choice words for IGN when questioned about the game recently. His response? After chuckling: –
[quote]Well, they’re still in my memory.[/quote]
So there you have it! What do you think?
Will we see a Majora’s Mask remake for the 3DS in the systems life cycle? Given the game shares assets with Ocarina of Time, it seems like a rather quick and (relatively) easy job.
Let us know your thoughts in the comments.
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