New trailer shows off Luigi gameplay and new tunes in Galaxy 2, location spoilers within Nintendo has released a new trailer in their ‘Transmission’ series of trailers for Super Mario Galaxy 2. This trailer shows off fresh gameplay of Lu...
Nintendo has released a new trailer in their ‘Transmission’ series of trailers for Super Mario Galaxy 2. This trailer shows off fresh gameplay of Luigi taking the helm from Mario as he searches the stars. There is also a secondary gameplay clip that shows off how you can choose to play as Luigi, but it’s still not known what requirements you need to play as him yet.
Super Mario Galaxy 2 has also recently been rated a 10/10 by notoriously hard reviewers Edge whose review went live today.
And no, we don’t have a official date for the game in Australia as of yet but pencil in June 10 – you can always rub it out if we’re wrong.
Definitively done with the Wii U now.
Because Gate Rune and Dunan Unification War is too long to fit in a title.