It'sa him, Mario. But Channel 7 had no idea.
The mainstream media isn’t the best at covering anything gaming, they try but still sometimes mostly they let us down. This is one of those times.
Out of the thousands of people inconvenienced today at Melbourne Airport by a ‘suspicious package’ they picked Charles Martinet, the voice of Mario (and many others) to ask him about the big scare.
He’s only in the video for a few seconds though which we’ve included below.
Maybe we’re being a bit harsh, Charles isn’t that well known outside the gaming community but I bet the reporters there at least know who Mario is. The joys of being a voice actor!
We hope Charles had a nice flight.
Update: Charles Martinet comments on our video!
So after we posted the video yesterday it seems Charles himself has now watched it and he did do some Mario voices for the news cameras but Channel Seven didn’t seem to run it!
[quote]I did a whole bunch in Mario voice! But they just used the one sentence…
I said “Australia is numba one!!!!”… the reporter and camera guy were great… but I think their producer just wanted a short thing. Too bad![/quote]
The comment is the current ‘top comment’ on our video on Youtube.
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