Latest Pokémon Sun & Moon trailer reveals Aether Foundation, Ultra Beasts and Pokemon Snap-like mode

As well as new Pokémon of course.


There’s a brand new trailer for Pokémon Sun and Moon and it’s absolutely bursting at the seams with new content, new Pokémon and new game modes – one that’s even basically Pokémon Snap!

First up, some new Pokemon and they’ve got some odd names. Type: Null is a normal type Pokemon that can only be described as a dog with a fish tale, and a suit of armour on its head. Yeah sure.

Next up, another new one in Jangmo-o, it’s a dragon type and has the Bulletproof and Soundproof abilities. Then we have the Alola Form of Raticate, he’s black and he’s got big puffy cheeks and just a little more fatter as well. Too many berries we think. like his Ratatta sibling he’s also a dark normal.

Now onto the big stuff! Pokemon Sun and Moon are set 12 hours apart, so while the game still is tied to your Nintendo 3DS system, the time in the world of Pokemon Moon is shifted by 12 hours. That means while you might be playing it at lunch time, in Sun it’ll be the right time but in Moon the sun will be starting to set.

The trailer also introduces the Aether Foundation, they’re a group of people who work in the Alola region and their goal is to help Pokemon that have been hurt. They have constructed an artificial island called Aether Paradise. There they provide shelter for Pokemon but also conduct research projects. The foundation is headed up by the rather glamorous Lusamine.

The trailer also shows the player searching the Alola Region for Zygarde’s Cells and Cores and introduced Team Skill’s Enforcer Gladden.

There’s a new menace in the Pokemon world, no it’s not another team but the mysterious Ultra Beasts!

These monsters are not Pokemon, but threaten both humans and Pokemon alike. The Aether Foundation is conducting research into these mythical creatures. This one below is called UB-01.


UB-01’s body is composed of a glass-like substance. However, it’s constantly changing shapes, never settling on one.

While evidence of something like a survival instinct can be observed in UB-01, no one knows whether it has a will of its own or any emotions. It’s said that, for some reason, its movements resemble those of a young girl.

And now for the best part – there’s Pokemon Snap in the game!

Alright well not quite but there is a new mode called Poke Finder. It allows you to take pictures of Pokemon and have them rated and appraised – sound familiar?



The Japanese trailer is also slightly different and shows off the same stuff, but just more of it.

Daniel Vuckovic

The Owner and Creator of this fair website. I also do news, reviews, programming, art and social media here. It is named after me after all. Please understand.

Published by
Daniel Vuckovic

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