Juiceboy is Australia’s #1 Metroid Fan

Today at the Hoyts Theatre in Melbourne, Nintendo Australia brought together Australia's top Metroid fans and their friends to watch history in the making. 8 lucky players got to participate in a best of series of Metroid Prime: Hunters games until an...


Today at the Hoyts Theatre in Melbourne, Nintendo Australia brought together Australia’s top Metroid fans and their friends to watch history in the making. 8 lucky players got to participate in a best of series of Metroid Prime: Hunters games until an ultimate victor was decided.

In the end Juiceboy proved to powerful for the TEC’s and other lucky winners. The staff at Vooks.net would like to congratulate Juiceboy on his victory and his prize, which was a brand new Nintendo DS Lite and $1000 spending money.

Pictures will be posted tomorrow.

Click Continue Reading to read a recap of the day’s events. The Metroid Hunter $1000 bounty tournament came and went today and boy was it interesting. Firstly I just want to make it clear that I wasnt the best representative a site has ever seen and spent most of my time lurking in the shadows and being stolen a victory in Metroid Prime: Hunters. But this isnt about me or Cubeoid who attended this event with me; this was about 8 lucky Metroid fans that were up for the challenge of proving themselves as the Number 1 Metroid fan and player in Australia.

The event was held in the lovely Hoyts Theatre in Melbourne on what was a surprisingly nice day. As I arrived a crowd was already developing and hopeful participants rushed up to me and asked if I was the 8th player who was running a little behind time. Vook and Nicko showed up and odd glances were given between parties, its always weird seeing the man behind the alias. Hopefully next time our meeting will not be as unsocial as this one proved to be. As the people started flocking up in the masses the fine people from Nintendo ushered us inside the Halfpipe room.

Before entering we all had to sign a contract and I stupidly folded mine up while talking briefly to Stephen and was promptly told off. Mental note Sean, do not fold up a contract and attempt to put it in your pocket. With complimentary popcorn and coke in our hands we entered the Halfpipe Room one by one.

The first thing that strikes us as a towering poster of Samus Aran and the massive movie sized screen we would see all the Metroid Prime: Hunters action on. Almost littered throughout the room where the coolest bean bags to have ever existed in the history of bean bags but due to the overwhelming amount of people that turned up and there was not a missing name from the list (except my friend who was never going to come anyway) Cubeoid and I lost our chairs and were neglected to the back of the room.

While the people kept coming in many DSs, most of them Lites were flipped out and all sorts of games were taking place. A forum member of Aussie Nintendo named Toad had his popcorn kicked over by one of the Nintendo reps and wasnt to pleased but was warmly repaid with another box of popcorn.


As soon as everyone was inside the Nintendo reps took centre stage and did their thing. While the Tournament was the main purpose to the days event they decided to leave that until last and for the meantime give the rest of us a chance to win some prizes. Up for grabs were DS games, Micros and DS Lites. After forcing Cubeoid to enter we were pumped and ready to go.

As the numbers dwindled down and after Sharpie was horribly beaten despite cheering from almost every male in the room it was my turn. As a Pro Metroid Prime: Hunter hater I have spent little to no time playing this game. However, my lucky stars, I was playing 3 people who have never touched the game. Or so I thought. While the two girls, friends of Sharpies where not too much of a hassle I was fiercely meet with the Big Screen player. Winning for most of the game he pulled off some stunning comeback at the end, taking out the girls and scoring a one-kill victory against me. I guess on the day, my true hatred for the game didnt allow me to win.

Next was Cubeoid. Well lets not get into that. Vook came next and despite playing quite admirably was no match to a Sniper and faced indefinite defeat. The Semi Finalers had been decided and they were ready for another round of Hunters. Then the Nintendo reps decided to play a trick on us and they pulled out a Nintendo Gamecube with Super Smash Brothers Melee to boot. Cubeoid and me felt rob, as the best Link and Fox duo ever we would have been unbeatable but sadly we were robbed of the opportunity of showing true Smash Bros skill. Never matter, the Nintendo Reps werent going to allow any unfair advantages and made everyone go Samus.

There didnt seem to be any clear winner during the Semi Finals and in the end it just came down to luck. With the clock ticking and the damage boiling over it was just a matter of time before the final four would be decided. Once the Finalists had been decided they competed head to head in Smash for a final time and the winner was chosen.

Before the big event took off we took some time out to answer some Trivia questions in which the top two people went away with prizes. Then came the lucky door prizes and near the very end, in fact the second last number that was called out I scored a free game of Animal Crossing. Then the last number scored a Nintendo DS. I was bummed and Cubeoid saddened. A fellow gamer requested a swap, Advance Wars for Animal Crossing and through the goodness of my heart I obliged.


Finally we were into the business section of the Event. As the room filled up with a musky, stuffy smell that seemed to devour my nostrils the 8 winners of the Metroid Hunter $1000 bounty Tournament began there do or die battle.

The first heat showed a clear winner with EXC355UM securing victory and then in the next heat, Juiceboy taking the lead and going onto the next round. Unfortunately I did not catch the other two players names.

The room went silent, Toad was quiet for a second and then the Final Round, and the deciding Round was on. This was a wonderful match to watch with unbelievable skills being shown every second. But in the end only one winner would pull through and that winner was Juiceboy. Presented with a $1000 novelty cheque and a giant Samus stand Juiceboy was on the top of the world. Now he only faced one endeavour, how to get the novelty check and Samus stand onto the plane. The other 7 participants, while missing out on the goods were presented with new Nintendo DS Lites.

The day was a massive success and if Nintendo Australia has learnt anything from there recent Connection Tour and now Metroid Tournament its that the Nintendo fan base in Australia is as strong as ever and growing. We all here at Vooks.net hope to see a Wii Connection Tour later this year as it would help promote the new system and give us loyal Nintendo gamers a chance to believe before we buy this Holiday Season.

Personally for me, the highlight of the day was being randomly talked to by an old hairy woman and seeing Cubeoid almost getting run over as well as our pointless circle from the train station in search of the Queen Markets. All in all, a great day.

Congratulations Juiceboy from the team at Vooks.net.

Sean Jones

Published by
Sean Jones

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