Iwata: Why Europe and America aren’t getting the New 3DS this year

Because we're more awesome.


We’re not one to ask questions when we get something early, but it is still odd that Australia of all places is the first country outside of Japan to get the New 3DS. Even more weird that it’s this year and the rest get it next year.

So why is this happening exactly?

Basically because of Super Smash Bros. for 3DS and Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. These two big games Nintendo believes will sell consoles without the need for new hardware in Europe and America. Japan is at different place in the life cycle of the Nintendo 3DS.”Based on these observations, some might wonder if, apart from the domestic market, the sales of Nintendo 3DS will really be able to gain momentum in the overseas markets”. The Nintendo 3DS has sold as much as the GameBoy Advance in Japan and has since slowed down, new hardware was required to keep sales going. Sales of the console in other regions have still been strong and thus new hardware isn’t needed just yet.

“Neither of the cumulative sales figures of Nintendo 3DS in the U.S. nor Europe is more than that in Japan despite, based on the historical performance, bigger sales potential.” Iwata told the investors. “In short, Nintendo 3DS is still at an earlier stage of popularization in these two markets. Also, the difference in market characteristics shows up in the software sales pace. In the Japanese market, both hardware and software tend to sell during a short period along with a quick spread of information on them. In the U.S. and Europe, on the other hand, highly acclaimed games are likely to be longtime sellers.”Guess 3DS sales in Australia must have been pretty dead for us to get it? Or we’re giant Guinea pigs. Source: Game Industry Biz

Daniel Vuckovic

The Owner and Creator of this fair website. I also do news, reviews, programming, art and social media here. It is named after me after all. Please understand.

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Daniel Vuckovic

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