Iwata promises Wii U price will be low, won’t repeat 3DS mistake
If there’s one thing people want to know about the Wii U more than anything is it has to be the price. Nintendo’s not announced one yet but Nintendo president Satoru Iwata is promising that it will be at least ‘reasonable’.
In a new interview Iwata has said that Nintendo have learned from the Nintendo 3DS and said “We won’t make the same mistake that we did with the 3DS, which was considered relatively high by consumers.” This isn’t the first time Nintendo have hinted at former problems with the 3DS and it probably won’t be the last.
Unfortunately even with this information its still to hard to guess a price for the system, you’ll just have to wait a bit while longer.
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My guess: Aus price will either be $349 or $399. I’ll be overjoyed if I am wrong and it will be $299.
The Wii was $400 when it launched over here, right? Could they really go lower than that?