Iwata details 3DS firmware update, adds video, new quest, puzzles and more
eShop refinements and 3DS to 3DS transfer as well – full details
The 3DS will be getting a massive firmware update later this year, adding 3D video recording and greatly expanding the Mii Plaza, Iwata announced today. It comes as part of ‘Nintendo Direct’, which Iwata identified as more than just a one off. Instead, it’s the first in a series of Nintendo experiments in directly engaging their fans, although sadly only in Japanese at this point. Now, on to the firmware!
First up in the 3D video recording, which Iwata announced can go for up to ten minutes. The recorder seems to be fairly robust, offering a whole suite of timer options, such as allowing you to record single frames after a delay.
Onto the Mii Plaza, which has a bunch of new features, the most interesting of which is that Miis you encounter via StreetPass will now fill up quotas based on where they come from. More obvious are the changes to Find Mii, the progress quest esque RPG that you play with all your encountered Mii. He revealed that the update will add a second campaign which features branching paths as well as 2 on 2 battles.
Lastly, but by no means least, he revealed that the eShop will be getting a bunch of improvements. While we have no info of what they are yet, any thing better would be welcomed. Additionally he announced that this firmware update will enable you to transfer your purchases between systems, which will come as a relief for those who’re lucky enough to live in multiple 3DS households.
That’s all for this firmware update, but it’s quite a bit! Stay tuned for all the rest of the awesome stuff coming straight out of Nintendo Direct. (And future Nintendo Directs!)